26 september 2017 9809

KazNRTU teachers were acquainted with the latest technology of uranium industry

KazNRTU teachers were acquainted with the latest technology of uranium industry

At the end of August, KazNRTU teachers headed by the director of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute, academician Z.S. Abisheva visited the Budenovskoye-2 mine, one of the leading uranium mining enterprises in Kazatomprom.

The purpose of the visit was the integration of education, science and production, as well as the preparation of a program for the International Scientific and Educational Center of the Nuclear Industry, based on the latest achievements in the field.

During the visit, the faculty of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute and the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Affairs was acquainted with the plans for mining operations, the technology of installation of wells, the production of technological lines of uranium technology.

Teachers listened the course of lectures about the production of uranium and the prospects of the evolution of the industry from Kazatomprom old stagers, visited the workshops of the mine and made a trip to the geotechnical polygon of underground leaching.

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