14 april 2017 11003

"KazTransOil" JSC is waiting for the students of KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev

"KazTransOil" JSC is waiting for the students of KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev

On April 14, KazNRTU held a meeting of KazTransOil JSC representatives and University Rector - Iskander Beisembetov. The Regulations for the 3rd year students competition of the Oil and Gas Transportation and Storage Department was signed.

Oral Idyrisov Director of the Department for Human Resource Management and Labor Expenses, spoke about the company's plans:

- This year (April 2) KazTransOil JSC celebrated the 20th anniversary.

The company have made a program of 20 good deeds on social direction, sponsorship, etc. One of the main points of the program is to establish close cooperation with KazNRTU.

The Regulation on the students work competition "Prospects for the development of the pipeline of the Republic of Kazakhstan", by the example of "KazTransOil" is designed for implementation of the plan.

Gulzhan Ospagambetova the main manager of the Department for Human Resources and labor expenses, acquainted participants with the conditions for participation in the competition. The results of the competition will be announced in October 2017. Winners are expected to receive cash prizes and job opportunities in the company.

For the participants of the competition, the company is ready to provide the opportunity to practice in 11 regions of the country.

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Source: DPR
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