8 february 2019 7036

Materials reception for Satbayev Readings has been opened

Materials reception for Satbayev Readings has been opened

In April 2019, International Scientific and Practical Conference will be held at Satbayev University under "Great People of the Great Steppe - KI Satpayev" motto. The theme of the given measure is "Innovative technologies are the key to successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in ore, oil and gas sectors of Kazakhstani economy». Within the framework of the conference, Satbayev Readings will be held under the same name. Both events are dedicated to 120th anniversary of Academician Kanysh Imantayevich Satbayev and 85th anniversary of the university foundation.

Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists are invited to participate in Satbayev Readings.

Date: April 10-11, 2019. Venue: Almaty, st. Satbayev, 22, Satbayev University.

The work of Satpayev Readings will contain the following areas:

  • Geology and oil-gas business
  • Mining and metallurgy
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Information and telecommunication technologies
  • Chemical and biological technologies
  • Basic disciplines

Working languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

The issue of conference proceedings is planned after the conference in electronic form on the site. Materials of up to 4 pages should be arranged in accordance with the requirements (Appendix 1) and sent to the appropriate conference section to email addresses listed below.

At the end of the conference, there will be presented certificates of participation.

 Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject reports that do not meet the requirements based on formal grounds.

Report texts are accepted on e-mail addresses by sections. Chairperson and secretary of the section are responsible for reviewing and selecting reports for conference proceedings.
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