22 may 2024 1485

"MBSR: Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction" workshop

"MBSR: Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction" workshop

Stress, anxiety and information overload are integral components of the modern educational process. Teachers face challenges including loss of control and adapting to new technologies. Information overload creates problems with concentration and attention, affecting students and teachers.

Currently, teachers urgently need knowledge related to stress reduction based on mindfulness. Therefore, Institute of Project Management named after Turkebayev, together with International Center for Advanced Education, held a two-day workshop on mindfulness for teachers and representatives of the educational system of different universities. The given workshop has become very valuable for each participant and has given everyone a lot of insights and practices on how to make the educational environment more trusting, safe and interactive for each stakeholder. The training was conducted by Management and Mathematical Economics Department’s senior teachers Zhasulan Abishev and Zhadyra Kiizbayeva.

Alongside, as part of the given training, 1 day was held only for KazNRTU students, where Zhasulan Abishev and Zhadira Kiizbayeva demonstrated practices and techniques to students in a playful and interactive way that will empower them be physically and mentally present at important events, to be more involved in processes, in training as well as in student everyday life. Both undergraduate and graduate students from different institutes took part in the mentioned measure.

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