14 may 2024 2415

Mining Adventures: Satbayev University teachers in Germany on the way to new knowledge and experience

Mining Adventures: Satbayev University teachers in Germany on the way to new knowledge and experience

At the end of April Satbayev University's teachers  took part in the Program of two-week training on the development of master's programs in TUBAF (Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg), Germany as part of the international project ERASMUS.

The competition of the program of academic mobility in the field of mining and surveying, attracted the attention of many teachers, and after a competitive selection for training were selected three participants representing our university Gulnara Bakhmagambetova, Ainur Yerzhankyzy, Assel Nurmanova. Intensive training program was held in the walls of Freiberg Mining Academy, at the invitation of Professor Dr. Carsten Drebenstedt, who visited Satbayev University a month earlier.

The working sessions included not only presentations and discussions in the cozy classrooms of TU BAF, but also exciting excursions, including a visit to the historic Reiche-Zeche mine in Freiberg. This place, which has served as a source of valuable resources for centuries, is today an inexhaustible source of knowledge for numerous scientific studies and innovative developments.  It is important to note that before entering the mine, everyone exchanged "Glück auf" wishes, which is not only a traditional German custom, but also a symbol of solidarity and support among the miners.

Visits to laboratories and research centers, the unique mineral museum Terra Minerallia, meetings and presentations with professors of partner universities: Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), University of Jaen (Spain), Kütahya Dumlupınar University (Turkey).

This training was the third within the "Master Program in Eco-Mining and Innovative Natural Resources Management (EMINReM)" (#101082621-EMINREM-ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE), carried out by the department of "Surveying and Geodesy", program aimed to exchange experience and knowledge in the field of environmental mining.

Cooperation with partner universities from different countries promotes diversity in teaching and research approaches, enriching the educational process. Satbayev University proud of its participation in this important international project and strives to further develop global academic ties.

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