28 november 2023 3043

National Nuclear Center and Satbayev University have established a strategic partnership

National Nuclear Center and Satbayev University have established a strategic partnership

National Nuclear Center and Satbayev University have agreed to jointly develop the scientific research, train personnel for nuclear power and work to improve the current employees’ skills.

Signing of the cooperation memorandum took place in Kurchatov, during the visit of University delegation to National Nuclear Center. The agreement reached will improve the quality of scientific projects participating in competitions of  Science and Higher Education Ministry, train a new generation of nuclear scientists, integrate scientific research into the educational process and develop innovative technologies in the nuclear energy sphere.

— Collaboration with National Nuclear Center will not only provide access to modern energy sources for residents of Kazakhstan, — Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev, - together we can work more effectively to achieve global Sustainable Development Goals, for the benefit of the whole society.

In addition, the joint use of scientific and laboratory facilities will allow the development of innovative methods to increase the efficiency of industrial enterprises, to advance the effective ways to protect the environment.

Национальный ядерный центр и Satbayev University установили отношения стратегического партнерства

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