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5 march 2019 9842

On February 15-17, the Open Championship of the Central Asia Fencing Confederation was held in Tashkent

On February 15-17, the Open Championship of the Central Asia Fencing Confederation was held in Tashkent

Competitions were held on all three types of weapons: sword, rapier and saber.
The championship was held in the complex of the Republican Junior School in gymnastics. More than 150 athletes from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan fought for the victory. The competitions were organized by the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Fencing Federation and a number of other organizations.

The 3rd year student of Satbayev University of the Mining and Metallurgy Institute of the Geodesy and Surveying Department Uteulenova Ayauly took part in competitions among juniors on a rapier and took 3rd place. In the near future, trips are scheduled for the Asian Championship, which will be held in Jordan (Amman), as well as the Grand Prix tournament in the United States (Anaheim, California).

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