22 november 2016 4642

On the eve of the President's Day

Накануне Дня Президента

November 18, 2016 on the eve of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Institute of Basic Education after A. Mashani, "Public Disciplines" department organized a creative meeting of students and teachers on the topic of "Do you know your constitutional right?".

Kadyr Nurgalym told about the President, his formation as a person, about the growing authority of Nursultan Nazarbayev in Kazakhstan and abroad.

The meeting was held in the format of a creative and lively discussion of topical issues. Organizers: Associate Professor of Public Disciplines Department Kadyr Nurgalym and lecturers of the department Ermakan Kalmurzaev and Yeldar Bagybek.

Students actively joined in the discussion of the constitutional rights of the citizens of Kazakhstan. Warm words were expressed in the address of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under his leadership the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted.

At the end of the meeting, students were awarded with the University's diplomas.

1 place Gulsara Sait, 5В070600, 2 year student.

2 place Orazbibi Dybys, 5В070600, 2 year student.

3 place Aizada Salauatova, 5В070600, 2 year student.


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