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17 may 2017 9784

Opening the Kaspersky Lab Science and Education Center

Opening the Kaspersky Lab Science and Education Center

On May 16, on the basis of Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I. Satpayev, under "Information Security" department (MEB, 301 auditorium) was held the official opening of the Kaspersky Lab Science and Education Center. The opening ceremony was attended by a team of leading specialists of Kaspersky Lab in Central Asia and Mongolia.

The main goal of the scientific and educational laboratory is the organization of training of Kazakhstan specialists in the field of information security, according to the international standards, as well as expanding the scope of scientific researches.

With the opening of the laboratory, students will be offered disciplines reflecting the latest trends in the field of information security. It will allow KazNRTU graduates to be more competitive in IT-skills market.

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