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7 april 2017 12537

Presentation of Karachaganak Petrolium Operating B.V. in KazNRTU after K.I Satpayev

Presentation of Karachaganak Petrolium Operating B.V. in KazNRTU after K.I Satpayev

April 6, Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. held a presentation for the third-year students of KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev. One of the largest companies that cooperates with the passage of industrial practice with KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev .

The presentation was organized by the Department of Practice and Career of the Consolidated Analytical Department.

Graduates of KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev told about the history of the company, activities, working conditions, the procedure for passing production practice at the field. Students actively asked questions on the topic of interest.


Source: SAD
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