Professor Aydarkhan Kaltayev was appointed as Director of the Institute of Industrial Engineering

Kaltaev A.Zh, the new director of Institute of Industrial Engineering named after A. Burkitbaev, was presented to the staff in august 15, 2017. The new director spoke to the colleagues, shared his vision of the future work of the institute and answered the questions of the teachers. The participants discussed the curricula proposed by the new director, corresponding to modern requirements, ways of increasing the level of scientific work and the quality of graduate training.
"Our institute should become one of the leading ones," - Aydarkhan Zhusupbekovich said. - The specialty of Mechanical Engineering in all technical universities of the world is key, and it should be the basis of engineering specialties. To achieve this, we will have to change much in the structure of the Institute and the curricula of specialties, bring their names and content into line with accepted international norms. I would like to launch here a foreign system for the training of highly qualified personnel, based on the wide attraction of the best students, undergraduates and doctoral candidates to scientific research through the implementation of scientific projects. It will help us to attract talented and motivated students to the implementation of scientific projects. "
The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Rinat Iskakov and Vice-Rector for Science Murat Orunkhanov attended the presentation and added a few words to the speech, congratulated Aidarkhan Zhusupbekovich on taking office and wished him success.
Professor Aydarkhan Kaltayev is a well-known Kazakh scientist, doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialist in mechanics and alternative energy sources. He is head of more than 15 international and national projects, has about 100 publications in scientific journals around the world. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Archives of Mining Sciences (Poland) and a reviewer for US, Chinese, Hong Kong magazines. He is member or reviewer of dissidence advisors for doctoral degrees in Poland, France and India. He has medals "10 years of Astana", "25 years of independence of Kazakhstan" and a breastplate "For merits in the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan". He was noted as the best teacher of the University of Kazakhstan for 2006 and 2010.