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19 april 2024 3915

Professor Douglas Hartman from the University of Michigan (USA) highly appreciated the works of Kazakhstani students

Professor Douglas Hartman from the University of Michigan (USA) highly appreciated the works of Kazakhstani students

Professor Douglas K. Hartman, an American scientist, professor of technology, learning and literacy in the field of teacher education, who took part in the language sections of the international conference “Satbayev International Conference-2024”, highly appreciated the first scientific works of the students. The professor noted the high linguistic competence of engineering students and their critical thinking.

Two panel sections “Professional and language competence of future engineers as the basis for competitiveness” and “The contribution of future engineering specialists in increasing Kazakhstan's digital and innovation capacity” were held at the Foreign Languages Department of the Project Management Institute named after E. Turkebayev. The section meetings were attended by teachers and guests from other universities.

More than 30 students from Satbayev University, IT University and IITU took part in the sections. Students’ presentations, in Kazakh, Russian and English Languages, covered various topics such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, digital technologies and the importance of learning English for future engineers.

By decision of the first section judges,  the following places were distributed:

1st place - the 1st year student of the specialty “Technological Machinery and Equipment” Tolegen Karina, and 1st year student of the specialty “Mathematical Economics of Data Analysis” Babaeva Amina (scientific supervisor Bazhenova S.M.).

2nd place -  1st year student of the specialty “Land Management and Cadastre” Zhaksylyk Nursultan (scientific supervisor Soltansharivkyzy Aitansyk) and 1st year student of the specialty “Engineering Construction” Shakiba Mohammad Tovhid (scientific supervisor Akhmetbaeva A.M.).

3rd place - 1st year student of the International Information Technology University (IITU), Amina Ruslankyzy (scientific supervisor Akyzhanova A.T.), 1st year student of the specialty “Computer Science” Nurgazykyzy Leila (scientific supervisor Yershimanova D.O.) and 1st year student of the specialty “Information systems” Ordabekov B.A., (scientific supervisor Nurbekova G.D.).

By decision of the second section judges the following places were distributed:

1st place - 1st year student of the specialty “Informatics” Khumarbek Margulan (scientific supervisor Duiseyeva L.A.).

2nd place - 1st year student of the specialty "Architecture" Kamaladin Abylay (scientific supervisor Imanbayeva S.A.) and 1st year student of IT University Abdybaev Anuar.

3rd place - 1st year student of the specialty "Automation and Robotics" Orynbassar Zhomart (scientific supervisor Salikhanova Z.U.), 1st year student of the specialty "Architecture" Absattar Madina (scientific supervisor Amirzhanova G.E.) and 1st year student of the specialty "Informatics" Sultan Dilmurat (scientific supervisor Yermekbayeva Sh.B.).

The conference took place in a creative and friendly atmosphere. At the end of the conference the  participants were awarded diplomas, participation certificates and souvenirs.

Professor Douglas Hartman from the University of Michigan (USA) highly appreciated the works of Kazakhstani students

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