Round table in Talgar Polytechnic College

On April 14, 2017, within the framework of Mutual Cooperation Memorandum between K.I. Satpayev KazNRTU and Talgar Polytechnic College organized a round table on "The relationship between college and university: conversations, questions, opinions and suggestions." KazNRTU representatives: Saiyn Bortebaev - Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer of "Technological machines and equipment" department, Kanat Orazaliev - The main manager of Recruiting department, Tolkyn Maldybaeva. - lecturer of "Power engineering and automation of technological complexes" department and Nurbol Kamzanov. - lecturer of "Hoisting-and-transport machines and hydraulics" department.
The director of Talgar Polytechnic College, Zhumagaly Khibekbaev, opened the round table with an introductory speech. There were discussed the issues of integration of research and practical activities of college and university on a single methodological basis.
College representatives told about working curricula of specialties and material and technical base of the college. Then KazNRTU representativesacquainted with the peculiarities of the educational process at the university, conditions for admission to the university of college graduates on a shortened program on related specialties.