24 march 2017 11576



Just before Nauryz holiday the KazNRTU Dpt of Kazakh and Russian languages held a round table "Youth is the future of Kazakhstan" under the semester of courtesy and kindness that involved 17 first year students studying Academic and Advanced Russian". IBO Director D.K.Kuralkhanov welcomed participants and the audience. Students Tursynay Orynkul, Bekkulan Myktybai, Nurpatsha Seidakhmet moderated the round table program that included many and various reports and presentations.

The report of IIE student Margulan Aden "Social activity of the youth: if we don't look out for ourselves, who will” took the Ist place. The IIE student Magzhan Kanapiya’s report "Role of Bolashak program in country’s development” took the 2nd place. The 3rd place was awarded to MSI student Anar Beksultan’s "Youth and charity" report. Special mention was made to the following speakers’ reports awarded with gifts and special prizes: MSI student Elvira Tuasheva "Hurry to do good", ABI student Altynay Kasymbek "Influence of clothing fashion on students social behavior", IITT student "Youth and Youth Culture", MSI student Sandira Aitmaganbetova "Volunteer Movement in the RK", MSI student Asemgul Tynysbekova "Kindness will save the world!". 

Organizers - R&KL professors N.Sh.Tankieva, Т.В.Pavlova and R.R.Barkibaeva, responsible for SSRP. Head of R&KL department A.Zh.Uderbayev made a closing speech.




Source: IBO
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