7 february 2022 2554

Satbayev University and Republican research institute for labor protection to sign memorandum of cooperation in near future.

A conference on the creation of the technical committee for standardization "Safety and Labor Protection" was held with February 4, 2022. The goals for 2022 year were set, also the committee participants were approved during the conference. The committee includes Shevtsova Vladlena Stepanovna, candidate of technical sciences in labor protection, who works at the Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T. Basenov  of Satbayev University. Shevtsova V.S. suggested that, taking into account a close scientific connection and long-term and efficient partnership with RRILP, all members of the group shall meet and discuss further cooperation. Technical Committee agreed to constantly improve the work on labor safety, as well as to hold a round table in the near future.

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