19 april 2023 2954

Satbayev University held an International Forum of Architectural Schools of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Satbayev University held an International Forum of Architectural Schools of the Commonwealth of Independent States

On April 14 and 15, 2023, Satbayev University, under the support of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Academic Center of the International Academy of Architecture KazMAAM-Eurasia, hosted an International Forum of architectural schools of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The Forum worked out a common approach to the future development of the modern architectural school and training of young architects in the CIS countries. To consolidate these standards, the forum participants adopted the Declaration on the ways to reform architectural education, as well as on cooperation in the field of architectural education and practice.

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

To discuss the pressing problems and develop ways to solve them, the forum included competitions, master classes and dialogue platforms. One was the round table “Architectural Education and Practice in the 21st Century”.  The leading participants were renowned experts in architecture from Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. From Russia – Mr Andrey Chernikhov, the President of the International Architectural Fund named after Y. Chernikhov; Kazakhstan was represented by the President of the Union of Architects, Serik Sultangali, President of the Union of Urban planners, Lyubov Nysanbayeva, Vice-President of the Union of Designers Sayran Fazilov, Vice-Rectors of universities and professors.

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

The round table was the final event of the forum, the critical result of which was the agreement to create an international research Laboratory of architectural education based at Satbayev University. The laboratory will launch the process of improving the theory and methodology of architectural education; the participating countries can use its results to regulate architectural education and strengthen the professional orientation of architectural education and its links with the field of design and licensing.

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

The big event of the Forum was the International Competition of Architecture Schools – the first competition of architectural schools of CIS countries, held in a comprehensive format, which considered not only graduation papers but also key coursework - projects of residential and public buildings, architectural drawing from life and architectural fantasy.

The international jury of the competition, consisting of the heads of the competition participants and, at the final stage, independent experts - members of the International Academy of Architecture KazMaAM-Eurasia, considered the materials submitted by each school and determined the winners.

The winners of the International Forum of Architecture Schools of the Commonwealth of Independent States were:

I place – Academy of Architecture and Arts of Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

II place – Tashkent Architecture and Construction University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

III place – East-Kazakhstan Technical University after D. Serikbayev. D. Serikbayev (Ust-Kamenogorsk city, the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Winners received memorable prizes and diplomas. Their experience and achievements will become an example for all stakeholders. Thanks to the competition, the participants organized a productive dialogue and made plans for further joint work.

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

The traditional professional creative exhibition “Continuity of Generations”, presented at the forum, allowed to attract to the event not only representatives of the academic environment, but also architects and practitioners. Great support in the organization of the forum provided the Design Academy “KAZGOR” and the company “Saint-Gobain”.

As a result, we managed to create a significant impetus in the development of architectural education in an atmosphere of openness, dialogue, scientific cooperation and exchange of experience.

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

Satbayev University провел Международный Форум архитектурных школ Содружества Независимых Государств

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