27 february 2023 2322

Satbayev University held an international scientific and practical online conference on the topic "Prospects of modern architectural education"

Satbayev University held an international scientific and practical online conference on the topic "Prospects of modern architectural education"

On February 24, 2023, the International Scientific and Practical online conference "Prospects of Modern Architectural Education" was held at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev (Satbayev University). The event was organized and conducted by the Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T.K. Bassenov with the active support of the Kazakhstan Academic Center of the International Academy of Architecture and the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The conference brought together representatives of architectural schools from different countries on a virtual platform to discuss current problems and prospects for the development of professional architectural education. Speakers and participants shared ideas, methods and practical results of the activities of specialists from different countries. The most relevant trends in the development of architectural education in the modern world and the problems common to all were discussed on the agenda.

Andrey Chernikhov, Professor of the International Academy of Architecture, President of the International Architectural Charitable Foundation named after Yakov Chernikhov , Creative Director of the Andrey Chernikhov Architecture Workshop  (Russia); Kuspangaliev Bolat, Director of the Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T.K. Bassenov Satbayev University and President of the Kazakhstan Academic Center of the International Academy of Architecture (Kazakhstan); Abilov Alexey, Professor of Satbayev University (Kazakhstan); Nikolay Metlenkov, Professor of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Russia); Imankulov Jumamedel, Professor of the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N.Isanov (Kyrgyzstan); Natalia Chemerisova, Director of the Academy of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University and Alexander Andreev, Head of the Educational Center Academy of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University (Russia); Yunusov Shukurulla, Associate Professor of Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Uzbekistan); Glaudinova Mehribanu, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the International Educational Corporation "QazBSQA" (Kazakhstan); Nikita Tokarev , Director of the Architectural School MARCH (Russia); Tatiana Inozemtseva, senior lecturer of the NAO "D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University" (Kazakhstan) and participants from other CIS universities shared their vision at the plenary session.

According to the results of the conference, proposals were collected for the development and reform of existing regulations and rules in the national state educational standards of the participating countries, which will be issued in a declaration. Also, at the suggestion of Andrey Chernikhov, the CIS Council of Architectural Schools will be established on a permanent basis to discuss and promptly resolve issues of architectural education.

The conference is the first event held within the framework of the International Forum of Architectural Schools of the Commonwealth of Independent States. All the main events of the Forum will be held on April 14 and 15, 2023 on the basis of Satbayev University and the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The declaration approved following the results of the International Forum will be sent to the relevant ministries and organizations in charge of higher professional education of the countries represented at the Forum.

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