Satbayev University hosted a master class dedicated to the Lira-SAPR 2022 software package

A seminar "A new version of the Lira-CAD 2022 software package and the implementation of calculations according to the norms of the Joint Venture RK-EN" was held at Satbayev University, dedicated to the work in the Lira-CAD 2022 software package donated to the university. The seminar began with the official presentation of the certificate and USB keys for 20 academic places to the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Bakhyt Zhautikov and the Director of the IAIS Bolat Kuspangaliev.
Thanks to cooperation with Bitcom Software and Lira Service companies, a new classroom was opened at the university with the installed Lira-CAD 2022 software package, which opens up the opportunity for construction students of all levels of study to put into practice the knowledge gained related to the transition to Eurocodes EN in the calculations and design of buildings and structures of any complexity.
The seminar was attended by representatives of Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Construction and Architecture, International Educational Corporation Kazakh Head Architectural and Construction Academy, Academy of Logistics and Transport, 25 other design companies, teachers of Satbayev University, undergraduates and doctoral students engaged in the design of buildings and structures at the invitation of the Director of the IAIS Bolat Kuspangaliev and the organizers.
Presentations were made by the leading developers of the company "Lira service" Vodopyanov Roman, Gubchenko Viktor, Melnikov Alexey, Nadolsky Vitaly.
The speakers widely covered the issues of design and construction of reinforced concrete and metal structures, as well as comparison of design in accordance with the requirements of Eurocodes EN and SNiP RK.
The guests and teachers of the Department of Construction and Building Materials participated in the debate, during the discussion they noted the advantages of the new version of the software package "Lira-CAD 2022", determined the parameters of further development.