4 august 2021 5006

Satbayev University invites you to take the TOEFL ITP exam on 5 August

Satbayev University invites you to take the TOEFL ITP exam on 5 August

Satbayev University together with UCOK TOEFL Centre, the official accredited representative of ETS Global for conducting TOEFL ITP and TOEIC® tests announces the registration for the TOEFL ITP on the 5th of August 2021.

Spaces are limited!

Price: "digital" -  40 000 tenge.
Adress: Almaty, str. Satpayev 22a, building GMK, room 207.

Registration and payment for 05.08.2021

Payment by transfer


4400 4301 6158 5168
Игісін Абзал Талғатұлы
АО Kaspi Bank


2. Bank details:

Номер счёта: KZ759470398920251652
Валюта: Тенге
ИИН/БИН: 080740012250
Банк: АО ДБ «Альфа-Банк»
БИН банка: 941240000341

More about the test


If you still have questions about registering and passing TOEFL ITP exam, please contact:

Turlybekova Anar
tel.: +7 775 772 53 41

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