31 october 2018 6480

Satbayev University students about their trip to Portugal

Satbayev University students about their trip to Portugal

On October 23, 2018 at Satbayev University the 3rd and the 4th–year students of the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies (IChBT), Ezhenova Anel and Targynova Gulzhayna (major “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”) met students and teachers and answered to all the questions of interest: “What is academic mobility? How to go to study abroad?”.

Within the “Erasmus+” program, as a part of academic mobility, the ladies had been studied their spring semester of 2017-2018 academic year in Aveiro (Portugal). The competition for this program was organized by the International Department of our University and was held in two stages. These students were in the shortlist thanks to their knowledge of English and high academic performance.

As a part of their presentation, Anel and Gulzhayna shared their experience of studying abroad and told the audience about the process of registration and documents submission to the competition in details. It was interesting to know how such kinds of programs give our students the opportunity to meet other students from different countries, to learn the international educational standards as well as cultural aspects of European countries. In addition, Gulzhayna and Anelia narrated about other educational programs to study abroad.

The presentation aroused a lively interest, so the speakers were asked to hold it again for those who could not attend.

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