13 march 2024 1724

Satbayev University students are developing a hexacopter for the rapid delivery of medicines for people with disabilities

Satbayev University students are developing a hexacopter for the rapid delivery of medicines for people with disabilities

An unmanned aerial vehicle was assembled at Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications and Space Technologies Department to deliver medicines in low-rise buildings and villages.

According to the project’s head, Abdumezhit Darayev, an associate professor at Satbayev University, the team of undergraduates and students set out to develop a hexacopter for doctors so that they could promptly provide emergency medical care in any situation, in bad weather or off-road.

The use of UAVs for drug delivery reduces transportation costs and delivery time. To do this, the drone must be very reliable in navigation, as well as accurate in performing its functions. In addition, its carrying capacity will be limited to ensure the safety of drug delivery. UAV has high maneuverability and accuracy, which makes it possible to deliver medicines to difficult places.

Satbayev University students are developing a hexacopter for the rapid delivery of medicines for people with disabilities

Satbayev University students are developing a hexacopter for the rapid delivery of medicines for people with disabilities

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