11 november 2022 2603

Satbayev University teacher was awarded the certificate of the National competition "Born Nomad - Power Award" 2022

Satbayev University teacher was awarded the certificate of the National competition "Born Nomad - Power Award" 2022

Ospanova Kuralay, a senior teacher of the Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T.K. Basenov, won the international certificate of the national competition "Born Nomad - Power Award" for II place in the category "Creative Collaboration" for the contribution to the promotion and popularization of the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.  Ospanova Kuralay is the author of seven books in the sphere of national ornament: "The Secret of ornament", "Gifts of nature", "The world of round ornament", and others.

Awarding ceremony was held on October 13, 2022, in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, where the opening ceremony of the international forum of artisans took place.

The joint international project "Born Nomad" to support women’s entrepreneurship, promotion of traditional crafts in foreign markets, and preservation of cultural heritage through the development of creative industries was launched in 2021 by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the US Embassy in Kazakhstan. The competition is aimed at the revival, popularization of Kazakh heritage, and modern interpretation of traditional crafts and folk art of Kazakhstan.

— Born Nomad - Power Award is a project designed to give masters of folk arts and crafts and representatives of creative industries an opportunity to make themselves known, get an opportunity to develop the commercialization of ideas, promote the product in the Kazakh and export markets, — commented Aika Alemi, Born Nomad Project Director.

— Creativity is an industry that creates wealth and jobs by developing talent and skills, and women are an important and growing market force, serving as an important source of innovation, — said Amber Ora, cultural attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan, at the award ceremony.

We congratulate our winner! We wish you further creative and professional success!

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