Satbayev University will provide grants to the winners of 1st Republican Field Olympiad of Young Geologists

The grand opening of the First Republican Field Olympiad of Young Geologists took place at Republican educational and wellness center "Baldauren" in Konayev.
The event is organized by “Kazakhmys Barlau” LLP and “Young Geologist’ Corporate Fund with the support of Geology Committee at RK MIID, Akimat of Almaty Region, “Kazakhmys” Corporation, ERG LLP, “Kazzinc” LLP.
Olympiad’s goal is to provide career guidance to young people, increase interest in the study of geological sciences, popularize geology as a science and its applied value, identify and support the gifted children, attract the attention of schoolchildren to the problems of geo-ecology and subsoil protection, as well as foster patriotism and love for the Motherland.
16 teams from all regions of Kazakhstan participate in the Olympiad, in which 200 children of grades 9-11 compete. They will compete in various geological disciplines, such as paleontology, hydrology, radiometry, mineralogy and petrography, and mineral geology. The winning teams will be awarded with diplomas, medals and valuable prizes.
"The interest in geology, considered not only as a science, but also as an important branch of the economy, should become an incentive for young people to further achievements and scientific discoveries. The given Olympiad has become traditional and will attract an increasing number of young geologists from year to year”, - said Chairman of Trustees Board of CF "Young geologist" Galym Nurzhanov.
In addition, the winners in the individual competition of 1st Republican Field Olympiad of Young Geologists will be presented grants for geological specialties at Satbayev University and other universities in Kazakhstan.