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18 april 2017 11778

Satpaev Readings Results

Satpaev Readings Results

Institute of Chemical Engineering:

On April 12, "Modern problems of chemistry and chemical technology" section was held at the Institute of Chemical Engineering of KazNRTU in the framework of the Satpaev Readings "The Scientific Heritage of Shahmardan Yesenov". Ruslan Nurgaliev, deputy director of the Institute of Chemical Engineering, PhD and Gulzhakhan Eligbaeva, the head of the department "Chemical Technologies", doctor of chemical sciences, professor delivered speeches.

The students of 1-4 courses, masters and PhD of Institute of Chemical Engineering took part in the work of the section. All of them were awarded certificates. Commission: Sholpan Kubekova (Chairman) Ph.D., Associate Professor; Madina Kozhaisakova Senor-lecturer; PhD; Aigul Amitova Lecturer; Ulantai Nakan PhD, lecturer , Gulnur Ibraimova (secretary), noted the work of fourth-year students Tursynai Egis (5В072000) and Begmat Elbasy (5В072100). They were awarded diplomas for the best report.


Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business:

In April the 12th in Assembly Hall of KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev traditional readings were held on the topic of "Scientific Heritage of Shakhmardan Yessenov". Responsible for organization and preparation of the event was the Chair of "Geologic survey, searching and exploring of mineral deposits" of Institute of oil and gas business named after K.Turyssov and "Scientific-educational foundation of academic Shakhmardan Yessenov".

Before the beginning of conference the flowers were put on monument of K.I.Satpayev traditionally. Then in assembly hall of MMB guests and participants of conference, relatives of Sh.Yessenov got together. Iskakov Rinat performed with meeting speech - professor, vice-rector of academic work of KazNRTU. Short film about academic Sh.Yessenov and the Foundation was shown. Founder of the Foundation Yessenov Galymzhan handed nominal scholarship to students-geologists Abdullayeva Togzhan and Seytzhanov Shyngys. Kshibekov Dosmuhammed - doctor of  philosophy sciences, academic of AS RK, professor; academics of Kazakhstan Academy of Mineral resources, scientific employees  of Institute of geological sciences named after K.I.Satpayev Seytmuratova Eleonora, Zeylik Boris, Goryayeva Vera performed with reports and good memories.

Gyiemen Marselen, director of "Geoenergetics" spoke about educational and scientific-research partnership of  KazNRTU and University of Lorraine (France). Urazayeva Saule, c.g.m.s., executive director of Association of public reporting KAZRC had a report "Introduction of international standards of evaluation of mineral resources and stocks in Kazakhstan". Moderator of plenary session was director of Institute of geology and oil-gas business named after K.I.Turysov, Yensepbayev Talgat.

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