14 march 2024 2237

Succession in science as the core of development and progress

Succession in science as the core of development and progress

Over its 90-year history, Satbayev University has become the cradle for many outstanding scientific personalities, whose works and discoveries have played a significant role in the growth of not only Kazakh, but also world science. One of such prominent representatives is Bayan Rakishev, whose name occupies a special place in the list of University’s outstanding graduates. Today, his scientific works and academic activities embody the continuity of University's achievements, prove the importance of applied research for scientific progress and improving the welfare of society.

Succession in science is a fundamental principle that ensures the consistent transfer of knowledge and research methods from one generation of scientists to the next. Continuity of scientific achievements and experimental data allows modern scientists not only to develop and deepen the research of their predecessors, but also to create new knowledge. The given approach enables science to keep up with the times, adapt to changing conditions and meet the challenges of modernity. Huge efficiency, the highest level of responsibility for his business, organizational skills, the ability to combine scientific research with the requirements of the economy’s real sector and a unique gift of foresight have provided Bayan Rakishevich with special respect and honor both in the academic world and among the heads of mining enterprises in Kazakhstan.

Bayan Rakishevich laid the foundation for the current achievements of scientists and teachers in the field of mining and metallurgical science and engineering education. At the same time, after graduating from Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute, now Satbayev University, in 1957, a promising young scientist Rakishev surprised everyone by choosing to work in mines and collieries instead of laboratories and classrooms. For eight years in production, Bayan Rakishev made a meteoric career, while managing to defend his PhD thesis. In 1965, the young industrial worker and scientist returned to his native university, where he worked his way up to the first head, starting as an associate professor and head of Theoretical Mechanics Department.

Bayan Rakishev's biography proves how important life experience is for a scientist, which includes not only academic research and experiments, but also a wide range of social, cultural and practical knowledge. This experience helps to better understand complex problems, see them in the context of the real world and develop more effective and implementable solutions.

For a leader, life experience is especially important for developing the leadership qualities such as empathy, determination, and the ability to inspire others. Life lessons learned through personal and professional challenges can become an invaluable asset in management activities, empowering to make fair decisions and build strong teams capable of making discoveries and achieving the goals.

The experience gained at production helped Bayan Rakishev successfully combine administrative work with scientific and pedagogical activities. Under his leadership, fundamental and applied research was conducted in the field of rock destruction by non-traditional methods. He conducted experiments that helped to understand and use the patterns of crack formation in solid rock blocks when exposed to various physical fields. These studies have yielded significant scientific results and have been widely applied in practice.

Bayan Rakishevich turns 90 these days. The same age as our University, he not only absorbed the best traditions of the country's first national technical university, but also became the founder of new ones. He always tries to create conditions for the youth’s comprehensive development. It was in the period from 1967 to 1974, when Bayan Rakishevich held the position of dean, that the world-famous “Dos-Mukassan” ensemble grew out of the depths of Automation and Computer Engineering Faculty. In the film of the same name, which was shown with great success in the country’s all cinemas, his contribution to forming the musical group was awarded a detailed narrative.

During his leadership, Automation and Computer Engineering Faculty also achieved significant success in the field of scientific research, educational, industrial and social activities. Bayan Rakishevich's organizational and leadership qualities were not ignored by the leadership of University and Republic. In 1985, after a five-year term as Vice-rector of V. I. Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, he was appointed Rector of his native University. In the next seven years, under the leadership of the new Rector, drastic changes took place at the country’s main technical university, which led to the fact that science and education began to work for the country's economy and improve the welfare of its residents.

An important element of Bayan Rakishev's organizational and methodological work was the introduction of new curricula aimed at ongoing education and providing the opportunities for students to form an individual learning trajectory. Ties between the university and production were actively developing; classroom lessons were reduced so that students could use their study time more creatively. Branches of University departments were opened on the basis of all large enterprises and research institutes, agreements on scientific and technical cooperation and training of specialists were signed with all major employers. The first specialized student teams were formed from among the students of Polytechnic University to undergo practical training.

Bayan Rakishev proved his love for Motherland due to deeds. An important stage in advancing the polytechnic was the introduction of training engineers in the state language. For the given purpose, Kazakh Language Department was established at the university and Scientific and Methodological Council for teaching in the Kazakh language was founded as well. This made it possible to make Kazakh the language of science and engineering, and opened access to engineering education to students from all over Kazakhstan, including the remote villages.

During the tragic events of December 1986, Bayan Rakishev, showing courage and bravery, defended students and teachers suspected of resisting the Soviet government from repression. Despite the pressure and threats, not a single employee of the institute, not a single student was dismissed or expelled for political reasons. This ensured stability in the team and full confidence in University leadership.

A significant achievement was the improvement of Institute’s material and technical base in the period from 1987 to 1992. Main academic building with an area of over 30 thousand square meters was put into operation, as well as a complete reconstruction and furnishing with modern equipment of the building of educational and production workshops, the park of electronic computers was considerably expanded. Dormitories for students and apartment buildings for employees were built at the university, and students received excellent conditions for boxing, wrestling, table tennis and chess in the new gyms.

The fruitful scientific activities of Bayan Rakishev and his colleagues on optimizing the extraction and processing of multicomponent ore represent a significant contribution to evolving the mining and geotechnical industry. The efficient and sustainable development of the mining industry ensured the careful use of natural resources and helped to improve the safety of miners. Creating the software modules and computer-aided design systems for drilling and blasting operations helps to optimize and ensure safer mining processes. Research and development in the mining industry saves the lives of thousands of miners in our country and abroad to this day.

Bayan Rakishev's lectures on theoretical mechanics, the opening of quarry fields, open-pit systems, and quarry design are still of great interest to students, undergraduates, and doctoral students. He continues to work on textbooks and teaching aids in these disciplines, and in Kazakh and Russian.

Bayan Rakishevich's outstanding contribution to the development of mining sciences, his merits are recognized both nationally and internationally. Bayan Rakishev is the pride of Satbayev University, the same age as the country's first technical university, an outstanding graduate, mentor and teacher whom the whole university knows and loves.

Meiram Begentayev, Board Chairman-Rector of Satbayev University

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