28 december 2023 4371

The best professional environment: a new Halyk Academy laboratory has been opened at Satbayev University

The best professional environment: a new Halyk Academy laboratory has been opened at Satbayev University

Starting from the new semester, University students will start studying in innovative IT conditions - a multifunctional laboratory and a co-working area Halyk Academy have opened at Satbayev University Automation and Information Technology Institute.

It is a place where technology, knowledge and creativity combine to form in-demand IT professionals. University and the bank have created this space in order to provide students not only with a high-quality education, but also an inspiring environment for creativity and professional growth.

- We wanted to create an industrial mini-hub that would combine banking and IT technologies, - said Raissa Uskenbayeva, director of Automation and Information Technology Institute. - This should be such an educational environment that our graduate, who comes to work at any bank in Kazakhstan, not just at Halyk, would feel at work as if they are at home from the first days, because they grew up in this professional environment. And Halyk Bank actively supports this idea.

Лучшая профессиональная среда: в Satbayev University открыта новая лаборатория Halyk Academy

Halyk Academy is a joint project of Halyk and the country's leading universities in IT field, aimed at the continuous development of IT sector in Kazakhstan. Academy has been operating for two years, Halyk Academy training program at Satbayev University began in September 2023 and has already brought excellent results.

Since the degree programs are synchronized with Halyk technology stack, this allows students to touch future work directly during their studies. Both teachers and students speak enthusiastically about the program. Students point to the program’s benefits, which allows them to learn from the experience of professionals responsible for the country's latest achievements in fintech sphere, and teachers note the great interest of students in studying: even those students who did not enroll in the course come to lectures. To date, 100 students have been trained in programming and data analysis owing to the bank employees.

Лучшая профессиональная среда: в Satbayev University открыта новая лаборатория Halyk Academy

Лучшая профессиональная среда: в Satbayev University открыта новая лаборатория Halyk Academy

In the future, the new laboratory will allow students not only to attend lectures from specialists of IT departments of Halyk, but also to use the latest technologies and opportunities to study the IT field, and later to undergo an internship at the bank. This whole project is designed to facilitate the path of entry for talented students into the local and international IT market.

Master classes and meetings with the bank’s leading employees on an ongoing basis are also planned within the framework of Halyk Academy Satbayev University. Specialists will not only share their experience in software elaboration and data analysis with students, but also help with choosing the educational trajectory, passing interviews etc.

At the opening ceremony of the laboratory there was present "Dos-Mukassan" ensemble leader,  composer, Polytech  graduate of 1970, Academician Murat Kussainov,  who, at the New year eve, met with the teaching staff and students and congratulated them on Halyk Academy opening.

Лучшая профессиональная среда: в Satbayev University открыта новая лаборатория Halyk Academy

Лучшая профессиональная среда: в Satbayev University открыта новая лаборатория Halyk Academy

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