8 february 2024 2862

The call for submissions for the best video about Kanysh Satpayev has been opened

The call for submissions for the best video about Kanysh Satpayev has been opened

The Department of Social Sciences of the E.Turkebayev Institute of Project Management holds a competition among students and undergraduates of the first and second courses for the best video "I am the next Satbayev".

To participate in the competition, you must send a video clip (the video must be shot in MOV, MPEG, MPG, WMV, WEBM, M4V, MP4 format, up to 500 MB in size, lasting no more than 2 minutes) by March 3, 2024 to the email address t.ospanov@satbayev.university  marked  #  "Participation in the competition". 

Additional information can be obtained in the office 812 of the GUK. 

Contact phone number +77773793329 Tauekel Tleubekovich.

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