5 december 2017 11509

The lecturer of Satbayev University became the winner of national project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan"

The lecturer of Satbayev University became the winner of national project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan"

We congratulate Rafikova K.S., - the senior lecturer of the Department of Chemical Technologies of the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies, who became the winner of the national project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan". This project was implemented within the framework of the Program of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "A Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness", and is dedicated to the inspiring stories of our compatriots who have achieved success.

From June 7 to September 15, 2017, applications for participation in the project were sent to the secretariat of the working group. By September 15, more than 2,000 stories had gathered on the portal, and of all these stories, only 302 projects were selected for participation in the popular vote.

From October 18 to November 10, a popular vote was launched on the official website of the project www.100esim.el.kz. The list of 302 candidates included people of different specialties, representatives of culture and art, health and science. All candidates were divided into 6 main fields: science-45 candidates, sports-42, society-85, medicine-46, culture-37, business-47 candidates.

Out of 302 candidates, according to the results of the further voting, 100 participants were selected - the winners of the national project "100 New faces of Kazakhstan". 9 participants from 100 project winners were selected as the main speakers, and among these nine were Rafikova Khadichakhan Sabirzhanovna, representing Satbaev University (KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpaev) in front of the Head of State.

December 1, 2017 the forum "100 new faces of Kazakhstan" was opened by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev Nursultan Abishevich. He said that in the era of information technologies, it is necessary not only to develop different spheres, but also to keep up with the times and change people's minds. We can not stop, we must only move forward: otherwise we are expected not just to lag behind - there will be degradation. Nursultan Nazarbayev reported that it was always difficult for talented people to make their way to life only because they are not like everyone else ... They are Heroes. The President named all the 100 winners of the project as heroes.

Rafikova Khadichahan Sabirzhanovna deservedly became one of the winners of the project. She has developed a unique catalyst for hydrogenation processes based on ionic liquids. This work is the basis for creating our own competitive technologies for oil refining, which can be classified as "green" technologies.

On this area Rafikova K.S. managed to win one of 10 grants allocated to Kazakhstan by the American Foundation CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation) for a trip to the leading US universities. Her development meets all the requirements of "green" chemistry, where at every stage of the scientific process from the idea, selection of substances, conducting experiments to obtaining the final product without harming the environment.

The project pursued three main objectives. The first goal is to show the society the faces of those who create modern Kazakhstan with their own hands, brains and talent. The second is to create a multimedia platform for informational support of our outstanding contemporaries. And the third goal is to create regional projects "100 new faces".

The project is dedicated to the most inspiring and motivating stories of our compatriots who have succeeded in the years of independence of Kazakhstan. The stories of these people will help to form new competitive areas, create a multimedia platform that can serve as a real motivation and stimulus for the younger generation.

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