15 october 2018 8530

The meeting of Satbayev University and KazNIPImunaygas representatives

The meeting of Satbayev University and KazNIPImunaygas representatives

On October 12, there was a meeting of Satbayev University and KazNIPImunaygas representatives. The meeting was attended by Satbayev University Rector Iskander Beisembetov, Director of KazNIPImunaygaz Murat Mustafayev, Vice-Rector for Research Bagdaulet Kenzhaliev, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Educational Activities Dilda Nauryzbaeva, Advisor Bibigul Turkpenbaeva and Managing Director for Development Modeling and Monitoring Koldey Meyrimbek. The meeting was opened by a welcoming speech by Satbaev University Rector.

“Our organizations share a significant professional border. Many experts graduated from Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business and currently all of them are major figures in the oil and gas industry. We also cooperate with other organizations, like Kazatomprom, both in staff training and research areas. We hope for lasting and mutually beneficial cooperation,” said Iskander Beisembetov.

The parties discussed their activities and future cooperation issues. During the meeting, it was noted that currently 8 master and 5 PhD students from KazMunayGas are studying at Satbayev University. Further cooperation may include development of individual study programs that will correspond with the needs of corporation. The main attention was focused on the Institute of Digital Engineering and Technology and its advances in artificial intelligence and big data.

In appreciation and respect for the work of the Institute, Rector Iskander Beisembetov awarded KazNIPImunaygaz Director Murat Mustafayev a diploma confirming his status of Honorary Professor of Satbayev University. In turn, the delegation from KazNIPImunaygaz presented collections form four scientific conferences of the Institute to Satbayev University.

The meeting ended with an excursion around the University Campus during which the guests were shown the Institute of Digital Engineering and Technology, Technology Park, The Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satpaev and the Laboratory of Chemical Synthesis and Oil Production.

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