30 july 2018 9675

The Rector of Satbayev University was awarded with a medal of the Ministry of Energy

The Rector of Satbayev University was awarded with a medal of the Ministry of Energy

On July 27, in honor of the 20th anniversary of “KazTransOil”, the Rector of Satbayev University Iskander Beisembetov was awarded with a medal of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Magistraldi құbyr kulіgіnіn ңrmetti қyzmetkeri” - for training highly qualified specialists in the field of oil transportation and for jointly work with the company’s specialists oriented to the introduction of new technology at “KazTransOil” facilities in accordance with the “SmartTran” project.

The “SmartTran” project, within which there was developed an innovative technology for transporting oil through trunk pipelines, was implemented in 2012-2017. In accordance with the project, a special program real-time processes the data received from the dispatcher and controls the technological mode of oil transportation, which increases the reliability and efficiency of the main oil pipeline. The creation of an innovative technology brought Satbayev University into the flagships in the field of energy-efficient technologies in the oil and gas sector. By now, the “SmartTran” project program has been introduced into the management system of oil mixture of “KazTransOil”.

The medal on behalf of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the “KazTransOil” company was presented by the Deputy Chairman of the Technical Council of "KazTransOil", Director of the Technical Policy Department, Professor B.K. Sayakhov.

Ректор Satbayev University Искандер Бейсембетов награжден медалью Министерства энергетики РК

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