20 february 2023 2207

The scientific library offers test access to journals and databases Springer Nature Publishing

The scientific library offers test access to journals and databases Springer Nature Publishing

Dear teachers, researchers, PhD, undergraduates and students of Satbayev University!

Scientific Library named after Zh.S. Yerzhanova informs you that from February 13 to March 15, 2023, provide open access to the journals and databases of the Springer Nature publishing house.

- journals and articles on springer.com. Among them there are more than 2000 rating scientific journals and more than 6 million articles in all scientific fields. Including in scientific areas of all Institutes of Satbayev University.

- journals and articles at nature.com. Over 100 of the world's most influential journals in the natural sciences, including Nature, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Catalysis, Nature Chemistry, and more.

- Springer Protocols baseMore than 70,000 protocols and methods of applied laboratory research in: Medicine, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, cancer research, cell biology, genetics/genomics, radiology, immunology, infectious diseases, microbiology, molecular medicine, pharmacology, plant science, etc.


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