8 november 2021 2592

There were held elections of student deans at Satbayev University

There were held elections of student deans at Satbayev University

Student life at Satbayev University is very active. At the end of October, elections on Student Deanery were held that was attended by all 6 institutes’ students. From each institute, 3 people were selected who are in charge of student problems.

  • Geology and Oil-Gas Institute named after K. Turyssov: Zhalelov Diyas, Serikbek Aidos, Biyazov Daryn.
  • Project Management Institute: Urysbai Marzhan, Toyimbetova Saltanat, Smagulova Aizhan.
  • Energy and Mechanical Engineering Institute: Izatullayev Askarbek, Silykbek Arailym, Kanatova Diana.
  • Automation and Information Technologies Institute: Zhuldyz Zhanbolat, Yerkin Ramazan, Baryssova Amina.
  • Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O. Baikonurov: Zhylkybayeva Dina, Serikkaliyev Maulen, Bektassova Sabina.
  • Architecture and Construction Institute: Tanirbergen Nurdaulet, Akbergen Sara, Zhetkizgenov Ulan.

On Friday, November 5, there was held a vote to choose Student Deanery Head - for the main student dean of the university.

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