18 april 2024 2488

We invite you to the «E-UNI platform: modern content and services for the successful organization of the educational process» webinar

We invite you to the «E-UNI platform: modern content and services for the successful organization of the educational process» webinar

The EDP Hub company invites teachers and students of SU to an online webinar on the topic: "The E-UNI platform is created by teachers for their students: a new resource and modern opportunities."

The webinar will be held on April 19 at 13.00 in Kazakhstan.

The conference is hosted by: Elena Belozerova, Head of the Software and Database Sales Department (phone: 8-800-555-22-35, ext. 216, mail: e.belozerova@iprmedia.ru )

Register in advance to participate in the conference.

Conference ID: 848 6220 4326.

Access code: 400271.

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