Working for the future: Satbayev University has opened innovative laboratories in mechanical engineering field

On October 17, 2023, Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satbayev hosted the grand opening of two important laboratories within Energy and Mechanical Engineering Institute. This event provides students with unique opportunities to immerse themselves in the world of modern technology.
Mechanical Engineering Department has opened "CNC Machines" laboratory, the laboratory is equipped with numerical control machines (CNC), providing the students with the opportunity to study and work with high-tech machines, which is an important aspect in mechanical engineering field.
"Power Engineering" Department has opened "Electric Machines" laboratory, the laboratory is dedicated to the research and practical development of electric machines. Here students can gain a deeper understanding of the principles of electrical devices and gain invaluable experience in the given field.
These laboratories were opened in partnership with the prestigious company "Alageum Electric", which adds an important practical component to the education of students and expands their opportunities for a successful career in engineering fields.
University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev stressed that the partnership with “Alageum Electric” company provides the university with valuable opportunities for effective technical training, allowing students to immerse themselves in the world of high technology.
The laboratories are equipped with the latest equipment, which allows for a variety of experiments and research and provides an opportunity for students and researchers to expand their horizons and contribute to the development of modern technologies. Let the beginning of Kazakhstan's innovative automotive industry take its origin here!