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Group of educational programs UNT subjects
B050 Biological and related sciences Biology - Chemistry
933 600 KZT / 1 year
Cost for
legal entities
1 260 000 KZT / 1 year
  • How to fill in the application to participate in state grant contest?

    1. Before applying, select your favorite educational program at Satbayev University, corresponding to the relevant subjects in which you passed UNT.

    2. Write down for yourself the code (column “Groups of educational programs” in the table) of the group of educational programs that includes the program you have chosen.

    3. Indicate the group code and code of Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev) in the application for a grant: 029.

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Educational program for specialists in industrial biotechnology and bioengineering sphere.

Students study natural science, cellular and molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, fundamentals of molecular and cellular biotechnology, biotechnology of microorganisms and plants, animal and human cells. Training program includes biotechnologies of waste processing, aquatic biotechnologies, metallurgy and petroleum biotechnology, fundamentals of design, equipment of production, modeling of biotechnological processes, organization of biotechnological process of biologically active substances and preparations, quality control of biotechnological products.

Students study microorganisms, living beings at the cellular level, the development of new drugs, enzymes, treatment methods and effects on microorganisms. One of the most significant areas of biotechnology is the study and work with viruses. Great importance is also attached to adaptation of obtained technologies and organic compounds to the needs of industry, medicine or agriculture. Almost all new drugs and biologically active substances are developed in close cooperation with biotechnologists. At the same time, specialists are conducting the serious breeding work.

Graduates work at chemical industry enterprises, specialized laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, research and production companies, in the positions of biochemists, biologists, virologists, microbiologists.

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