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Group of educational programs | UNT subjects |
B052 Earth Science | Math - Geography |
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The training program for specialists in the field of fundamental research of the Earth's crust and seismological surveys.
Students gain knowledge on the internal structure of the Earth, its origin and evolution in terms of basic geological processes, physical properties of rocks and geophysical fields for use in studying the Earth seismicity. They study earthquakes and related phenomena, types of earthquakes and their causes, seismic waves, get an idea on the earthquake source and the physics of the processes occurring in it, as well as the parameters of earthquakes.
Program includes training in "Antelope" BRTT (USA), "Seascomp" GEMPA (German), "ApolloServer" Nanometrics (Canada), "InSite" ASC (UK), Surfer, etc. modern computer programs.
Professors from leading universities of the near and far abroad, experts from manufacturing companies and research institutes are invited to conduct lectures and consultations on the latest problems of seismology.
Students undergo educational geophysical practice at their own training ground in Kapshagai, as well as industrial practice at research institutes, Kazakhstan National Data Center, National Scientific Center for Seismological Research and Observations, "Almaty" Central Seismic Observatory and other centers of seismological protection in Kazakhstan and abroad. The best students can get additional education through the academic mobility program at universities around the world.
Graduates receive Bachelor of Science degree and can work at research institutes, in seismological companies in engineering and technical positions, as well as in the best foreign companies in foreign countries where seismology is developed, for example, in Japan.