Information for:

Startup Bachelor

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Group of educational programs UNT subjects
B044 Management and Administration Math - Geography
905 760 KZT / 1 year
Cost for
legal entities
1 140 000 KZT / 1 year
  • How to fill in the application to participate in state grant contest?

    1. Before applying, select your favorite educational program at Satbayev University, corresponding to the relevant subjects in which you passed UNT.

    2. Write down for yourself the code (column “Groups of educational programs” in the table) of the group of educational programs that includes the program you have chosen.

    3. Indicate the group code and code of Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev) in the application for a grant: 029.

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Training of specialists in the field of business management in such areas as programming, biomedical engineering, electronics and electrical engineering. The program was created within the framework of the strategy of RK MES Entrepreneurial University.

Kazakhstan is actively implementing the entrepreneurship support. Small and medium-sized businesses are the economy’s important part in any country, and business education is one of the most significant foundations of economic development. Management, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, operations, business skills, career planning are crucial for all students, not just for those who aspire to become an entrepreneur.

The program is aimed at developing the students' skills necessary for businesspeople, advancing their entrepreneurial abilities and communication skills. Students study the theory and practice of project management, finance and investment, accounting and auditing, theory of inventive problem solving, engineering and computer graphics, business law and marketing.

An essential part of the training is practice – as a result of successful completion of the program, the graduate will have their own company engaged in sales. The graduate will be able to make decisions and manage business processes based on personal leadership qualities and entrepreneurial skills. In addition to practical entrepreneurial skills, students also gain technical knowledge to elaborate their product.

The program was evolved with the assistance of NCE Atameken and Enactus Satpayev University team’s students.

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