Information for:

Technology of rare and radioactive elements

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Group of educational programs UNT subjects
B071 Mining and mineral extraction Math - Physics
1 111 380 KZT / 1 year
Cost for
legal entities
1 416 000 KZT / 1 year
  • How to fill in the application to participate in state grant contest?

    1. Before applying, select your favorite educational program at Satbayev University, corresponding to the relevant subjects in which you passed UNT.

    2. Write down for yourself the code (column “Groups of educational programs” in the table) of the group of educational programs that includes the program you have chosen.

    3. Indicate the group code and code of Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev) in the application for a grant: 029.

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Training of specialists for implementing the modern technologies for production of rare metals and their compounds based on natural, secondary and man-made raw materials in RK, as well as chemical concentrates of natural uranium.

Specialists of the given profile develop technologies for manufacturing the rare, rare-earth and radioactive elements, their compounds and alloys including these metals, used in such high-tech industries as nuclear power, radio and microelectronics, optics, chemical industry, metallurgy, medicine, etc. The production volume of the given products determines the potential of the country’s innovative development. Therefore, this branch of domestic industry is one of the state’s priorities in science and technology sphere.

Students study technologies of rare metals and nuclear technology, refinement of raw materials of various types, chemical methods related to enrichment of rare and radioactive elements’ ore concentrates, low-waste, resource-saving technological schemes at nuclear industry, utilization of resources released as a result of conversion (fluorine, waste uranium, etc.)

Students grasp physical-chemical bases of enrichment processes, methods of techno genic and secondary raw materials utilization, technologies of waste transformation into useful products, physical-chemical bases of materials synthesis based on rare metals and production of products from them.

Graduates work at industrial enterprises of mining and mining-processing, chemical and metallurgical complexes, uranium enterprises of various forms of ownership, at workshop, factory and research institutes, laboratories, engineering companies, as well as technical universities.

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