Information for:

Transport engineering

Training of road workers of a wide profile, specialists in the field of design, operation and repair of ground transport as well as transport systems.

Program is compiled in accordance with European requirements for professional standards of engineers, and it is carried out based on principles Bologna process principles. Students study a wide range of disciplines that form basic concepts related to modern methods of designing enterprises of motor transport, technological processes and transport equipment repair, organization and road safety. Course and diploma design is performed using information and communication technologies.

Students gain knowledge in the field of design and repair of ground transport, organization of maintenance of technological equipment, operation of transport equipment, development of transport systems, organization of interaction of transport modes, organization of a relationships system to ensure traffic safety in transport.

Along with the study of special disciplines, students receive training in the field of information technology (end-to-end computer training of students in CAD-CAM-CAE systems); learn inventive activity and commercialization of intellectual property.

As part of educational practice, students become familiar with technological processes of hot and mechanical processing of metals, with machine tools’ main parts, welding equipment and methods of work when the given equipment is used; also, learners acquire practical skills in plumbing implementation, use and maintenance of transport equipment in production environment.

Graduates receive "Bachelor of Engineering and Technology" qualification and work as engineers at machine-building plants producing the transport technology and equipment; at enterprises that operate transport technology.

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