Information for:

Paltashev Timur Tursunovich

Paltashev Timur Tursunovich

Project Manager, Advanced Micro Devices Corporation, Radeon Technologies Group

Years of training: 1973-1978 yy.
Specialty: "Computer engineering"

Immediately after graduating from the Republican Physics and Mathematics School (in 1973) and the failed attempt to enter the Moscow Automotive Institute (I did not pass the medical examination for eyesight), I turned my steps to KazPTI and entered it. Computer engineering, which I had to deal with here, seemed to be a more sparing specialty for the eyes compared to mechanical engineering, where a huge amount of drawing design work was supposed. In fact, it turned out that way.

So, electronic computers ... I must say that in those days it was a fashionable trend, and in the school where I studied, we studied programming on BESM-3M and passed the exam for a computer operator.

From the subjects studied, electrical engineering, both in the civilian (transistor) version and in the military one (lamp - in the military department), was the most "exciting". Calculation, theory and design of computers, on which there were many practical tasks, were also interesting. As for Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, The Theory of Machines and Mechanisms: I just liked working with metal.

Starting from the 3rd year at the Institute, I performed all kinds of technical work on creation and debugging of calculators in the Design Bureau (Student Design Bureau) under the guidance of Brichkin, then I enthusiastically continued this work at the graduating department of computer engineering (Aitkhozhaeva, Tynimbaev), and also at the military department under the leadership of Colonel Teslenko and Captain Sheinkman.

From the teachers, I always recall with a warm feeling Yevgeniya Zhamalkhanovna Aitkhozhaeva, who instilled in me professionalism and did a lot so that I did not leave the computer technology and teaching. And I still keep in touch with the professors of the graduating department of computer engineering, A. Yermakov, S. Tynymbaev and J. Dzhuruntaev.

But the best memories of the Institute life, which left vivid impressions and a feeling of fullness of being, are (I think that none of my peers will be surprised by such recognition) student construction brigades on the virgin lands and in Eastern Siberia - on the construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway (Baikal-Amur Railway), as well as production practice.

This requires certain personal qualities - composure, confidence, thorough knowledge of the subject of their activities.

After graduating KazPTI, I had plans to repay to my debt my homeland and serve as an officer for two years in the country's air defense forces, which was done. As the platoon commander in the military unit 26708, which was located in the Moscow region, in air defense (Mytishchi and Volokolamsk). Of course, the education received at KazPTI helped to get this job, especially the excellent knowledge of the military department.

Today I am a project manager for high-performance computing and machine intelligence tool support at Advanced Micro Devices Corporation's Radeon Technologies Group. This requires certain personal qualities - composure, confidence, thorough knowledge of the subject of their activities.

I must admit that at one time I was an outstanding ... slob, although now, from the height of my age and the positions I have achieved in life, I think that I am not so hopeless. The inborn, we can say, abilities to science and technology have always been helpful. KazPTI unequivocally helped to stay on the coast and not to fail a session when I clearly did not want to study.

A student / future graduate, to be a professional in his field, must know the subject of work up to the subtleties, constantly improving, gaining practical experience. As the saying goes: "Live a century, learn a century."

4 january 2021 6016
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