Information for:

Zholtayev Geroi Zholtayevich

Zholtayev Geroi Zholtayevich

Professor of the Department of “Oil and Gas Geology”, Satbayev University, Director of K.I. Satbayev Institute of Geological Sciences

Years of training: 1957-1962 yy.
Specialty: "Geological engineer"

I am a patriot of my native University!

I entered KazPTI in 1957 and as a medalist - without exams I was admitted to the Institute. Starting from the 8th grade, I dreamed of being a geologist, like Kanysh Satbayev, I chose the Geological Exploration Faculty. My favorite subjects were General and Historical Geology, as well as Geology of Oil and Gas. These subjects were conducted by the Great Teachers - professors G.Ts. Medoyev and P.Ya. Avrov. They were excellent lecturers and educators.

When I was in my 2nd year, Georgy Tsaraevich Medoyev recommended me to read the a book “Geotectonics” by Zyuss. It was very difficult to understand what I read, since many terms were unfamiliar to me then. However, an ardent desire to learn the secrets and essence of geology became the stimulating factor that allowed me to independently, using dictionaries, acquire the necessary minimum level of knowledge in special terms. I must say that at that time in the Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences they didn’t give out the books in a single copy, such as “Geotectonics” by Zyuss, and students were allowed to read into in the reading room only at the request of the faculty. Only one call from G.Ts. Medoyev to the dean, and I could take a seat in the reading room.

Having studied this book, it was understandable, perhaps, at least to five-year students. I re-read three times, but I was able to coherently retell what it was about. This was the result of the highest pedagogical skill of Professor G.Ts. Medoyev. So he tested me and gave a great lesson in of independent work, i.e. how to gain knowledge and get the deepest satisfaction as a result.

I felt that in geology, I became "above my fellow students". And then this fast start was supported by my teacher of Geology of oil and gas, Pyotr Yakovlevich Avrov, who took me with him to the various meetings on geology and field expeditions.

I am a patriot of my native University!

As a 4th year student, as part of the detachment of Professor P.Ya. Avrov,I went to the Akzhar field (now operating). There, in three wells, oil inflows have already been received. At the same time, a group of research workers arrived from Moscow IGiRGI. Having discussed new geological and geophysical materials, by the end of the day everyone decided to go fishing on the Sagiz River, where, as the locals said, crucians and molts were found. Needless to say, everyone was inspired in anticipation of such pleasure ...

Concluding the meeting, P.Y. Avrov said, “Geroi, calculate the reserves of this field”. The subject “Methods for calculating oil and gas reserves” then passed according to the curriculum at the 5th year, i.e. I have not listened to these lectures yet.

In the geological department of the expedition, I found the textbook by M.A. Zhdanov “Methods of calculating oil and gas reserves” ... I had to independently master the volumetric method of calculation - in one night.

The University for me is holy and the greatest temple of science and education, where I got everything I have today, where, as a teacher, I not only taught my students, but I also studied daily pedagogical skills, I had the opportunity to freely participate directly in the production affairs of oil workers, especially when discovering and developing the unique fields Kenkiyak and Zhanazhol.

At the international level, my recognition as a scientist was expressed as follows: election to the American Society of Petroleum Geologists, awarding the Gold Medal of the Industrial Chamber of the European Union and the Mubarak Haddafi Medal, awarding the "Golden Prometheus" Prize, and election to the jury to award the title of Doctor of Ph.D. in Geology (France), etc.

Everything that I have achieved in my life owes to the University - the leader of the Republic of Kazakhstan in technical education.

Currently, I work as a professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Geology at KazNRTU (Satbayev University) and director of K.I. Satbayev Institute of Geological Sciences. I mainly conduct classes with master's degree and doctoral students on the methodology for compiling geodynamic models of deposits and sedimentary basins and forecasting the prospects of their oil and gas potential from the perspective of the modern concept of plate tectonics. According to my colleagues (domestic and foreign), by this method, I took my niche by putting forward a two-level version of the manifestation of tectonic processes on the regional scale of phenomena.

I try not to stop at the achieved level as a teacher and as a scientist. I need to work on myself - not to lag behind, and if possible to outrun progress in all areas of science and life that are accessible to me. This has been taught and is being taught by the University.

Occupying a leading position in the field of technical education and science, the University, which has become not only academic but also research, which has a very favorable effect on the quality and level of knowledge of graduates, plays a huge role in the training of specialists who drive technological progress and create the material basis for improving the welfare of all Kazakhstanis and ensure high dynamics of the country's development, which leads to the recognition of Kazakhstan around the world as a progressively developing country.

In connection with the trends of world social development, bold and timely steps are being taken to improve the structure of the University. For receiving knowledge, for self-realization, all conditions are created here. Applicants who choose our University will not regret about it, because they will always be in demand, and students, to become professionals in their field, need determination, the ability to control themselves and rationally manage their time.

I am sure: the system of organization of the educational process with a scientific bias currently practicing provides training not only for a highly educated graduate in his specialty but also for the one who is able to predict the development and improvement of the scientific and production lines of his activity for the near future and for the future.

3 july 2020 7756
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