10 november 2023 2675

KazStandard and Satbayev University are working on the concrete steps to improve the standard of living of the country

 KazStandard and Satbayev University are working on the concrete steps to improve the standard of living of the country

As part of celebrating the World Quality Day, Almaty branch of the republican enterprise "KazStandard" together with Satbayev University (KazStandard Academy) and Almaty Technological University held Round table on "Quality: realizing your competitive potential" topic.

Round table was dedicated to celebrating the World Quality Day and elaborating the concrete steps to provide Kazakhstan with quality goods, which should improve the standard of living in the country. Round table was attended by the head of the branch of RSE "KazStandard" in Almaty and Almaty region Dauren Sarsenbayev, head of RK MTI Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology Department for Almaty Kanat Kabylbekov and Rinat Imashev, head of RK MTI Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology Department in Almaty region, representatives of universities and domestic manufacturers in standardization and metrology field.

Head of "Standardization, Certification and Metrology" Department Darkhan Yerezhep spoke on behalf of Satbayev University.

World Quality Day was created to increase the importance of high quality products and services, as well as to draw attention to quality issue. After all, we are talking not only about the safety of goods for humans and environment, but also about the degree of satisfaction of consumers' requests and expectations. Therefore, Kazakhstan is actively working on standardization in the service sector and market regulation with its help.

National standards have been developed for tourist, hotel, educational, transport and logistics services, catering, household and social services of the population. And every year the list of services subject to standardization is expanding.

Round table was held in the working environment, its participants discussed their work and exchanged contacts. Kazstandard’s employees answered the questions and explained legislation requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of technical regulation, standardization, metrological support of production, provided information on training and advanced training of specialists in the field of technical regulation and standardization, online store, as well as other services provided by the branch.

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