26 november 2021 4041

"Project Management in Kazakhstan: status, problems and prospects" conference was held at Satbayev University

 "Project Management in Kazakhstan: status, problems and prospects" conference was held at Satbayev University

"Project Management in Kazakhstan: status, problems and prospects" conference is dedicated to 80th anniversary of the famous Kazakh scientist, public figure Alexey Filippovich Tsekhovoy.

The conference was attended by more than 300 participants, including from England, Germany, Poland, the USA, France, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. The participants included representatives of government bodies, large, medium and small businesses, non-governmental organizations, higher education and science. The conference sessions were available online for everyone.

At the conference opening, Rector of Satbayev University, Meiram Begentayev, spoke about University’s active work in the framework of implementing the ten National projects that are priority for Kazakhstan’s economy.

— Today, "Project Management" scientific school has been formed in the country, at the origins of which is Professor Alexey Filippovich Tsekhovoy. Due to the interaction of the potential prepared by universities and professional project community in Kazakhstan, it became possible to set those tasks that are determined by National Projects," Meiram Begentayev said in his speech.

The conference lasted for two days. Conference sections devoted to various aspects of project management development in Kazakhstan worked on the first day. The conference participants listened to reports on the following sections:

  • Project management in the public administration system
  •  Experience of large companies in solving the challenges of Industry 4.0
  •  Project management in the non-governmental sector: social, scientific, public projects
  • Development of small and medium-sized businesses through portfolio management
  • Advanced training of project-oriented specialists by industry and scientific-methodological support of university project activities

On the second day, there were held master classes on practical issues of modern design approaches, such as Kaizen, Boscardi, Agile.

Alexey Tsekhovoy delivered a plenary report on the management of higher educational institutions advancement owing to project management methods. The conference was moderated by Alibek Shokparov, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation at Satbayev University, who expressed confidence that the conference materials would serve as a good driver for improving the management system in all economy sectors.

At the conference, much attention was paid to the issues related to trends in the development of project management in Kazakhstan, project management in the public administration system, training of specialists in project management sphere. The discussion that unfolded at the conference focused on the use of project management methods in public administration and in higher education organizations. The conference was organized by Satbayev University together with International Academy of Informatization (IAI) and Union of Project Managers in Republic of Kazakhstan.


Alexey Filippovich Tsekhovoy

A well-known Kazakh scientist, academician of International Academy of Informatization and National Academy of Mining Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the department at Satbayev University Project Management Institute named after Turkebayev, a representative of the editorial board of “Mining Journal” in Central Asian region, a founder of “Project Management” Kazakhstani school, a public and political figure.

Alexey Tsekhovoy made a significant contribution to solving vital social, political and economic problems on the growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as creation and development of such non-governmental organizations as Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Alexey Tsekhovoy has published more than 250 scientific articles, monographs, a large number of essays, brochures addressed to a wide range of readers, especially in project management sphere.

For many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, Alexey Tsekhovoy was awarded Honorary certificate of the USSR HEI Ministry, the USSR HEI Ministry "For great achievements in work" breast badges, also, "Miner’s glory of 3rd degree" and "Miner’s Glory of 2nd degree" badges; “For high professionalism” Quality Star of National Rating Agency, «Ұлт қайраткері» and «Үздiк байланысшы» breast badges of RK MDDIAI.

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