10 december 2021 5804

The oil-gas sector is the basis of the country's economic independence

   The oil-gas sector is the basis of the country's economic independence

The country’s oil-gas industry veterans are ready to help Satbayev University’s students in organizing the practical classes at the leading oil-gas enterprises of Kazakhstan. Almaty subsidiary heads of "Veterans of oil-gas complex" Republican Public Association Mussabek Isayev and Oleg Gershtansky expressed support for any initiatives aimed at sharing experience with young specialists at the meeting that was held with students and faculty of Geology and Oil-Gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov.

The oil-gas industry veterans spoke on the formation and prospects for develoing the oil industry in Kazakhstan over the years of independence.

— A comparative analysis of the world’s leading countries’ economic indicators in recent years has shown that hydrocarbon raw materials will remain the main energy source in modern society for many decades to come, both in industry and transport, as well as in agriculture and everyday life, — considers Mussabek Isayev, the former head of Oil Industry Department at RK Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry.

Therefore, according to veterans, it is crucial to maintain the qualitative training of highly qualified specialists for oil-gas industry.

Нефтегазовый сектор – основа экономической независимости страны

— In order to improve the professional competencies of graduates, it is necessary to actively involve production practitioners in their training, — said Oleg Gershtansky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, member of Directors Board of Research Design Institute at JSC “SRPTOG.”

In the issue related to employment of graduates, the manufacturing enterprises’ interest is of great importance.

Veterans believe that oil and gas industry, as well as industry entities, need to provide opportunities for compulsory employment of graduates.

Veterans highly appreciated the training quality of specialists at Satbayev University on the example of professional achievements of university graduates and made a proposal for the employment of students after commencement.

Нефтегазовый сектор – основа экономической независимости страны

The meeting was attended by Director of GOGB Institute A. H. Syzdykov, deputies Y. K. Arshamov, M. S. Moldabekov, departments’ heads G. J. Yeligbayeva, A. A. Bekbotayeva, who expressed their willingness to work closely with RPO VOGC in conducting joint events on patriotic education and professional training of students.

 "Veterans of Oil-Gas Complex" Republican Public Association was established in 2019 on the initiative of well-known and honored veterans, professionals in oil- gas industry with the support of Energy Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC NC KazMunayGas and KAZENERGY Association. The purpose of RPO VOGC’s creation was passing the experience on to young specialists and preserve the historical memory regarding the difficult stages in development of Kazakhstan’s oil-gas industry, promoting the activities of oil-gas complex veterans in industry growth, scientific-technical mentoring and innovation as well.

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