7 september 2022 3509

A branch of the department "Standardization, certification and metrology" was opened in "KazStandart"

A branch of the department "Standardization, certification and metrology" was opened in "KazStandart"

On September 6, 2022, the opening of a branch of the Department "Standardization, Certification and Metrology" in the RSE "KazStandard" took place.

The opening ceremony of the branch of the SS&M Department was attended by the Projector for Academic Affairs Zhautikov Bakhyt, the Director of the Almaty branch Satybaldiev Zhangali Beskempirovich, representatives of the head office of RSE "KazStandard" - Raushan Zhanatovna - Deputy Head of the Department of Strategic Development and Science, Dinara Mukasheva - Chief Specialist Department of Strategic Development and Science, Deputy Director of the Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering Myrzakulov Maksat, teaching staff and students of the department

The cooperation of two large organizations - KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev and RSE KazStandard - is secured by the Agreement, under which "KazStandard Academy" was opened on the basis of the Satbayev University.

In turn, the RSE KazStandard provided its laboratory facilities for students and prepared two classrooms for practical and laboratory classes, in which classes have been planned and held since September 1, 2022.

Leading specialists of the RSE KazStandard were involved in conducting laboratory classes, who enthusiastically joined the educational process.

We are sure that on the basis of combining the production experience of KazStandard specialists and the scientific potential of the Satbayev University, a program will be implemented to train highly qualified specialists with the necessary level of professional competencies, tuned in to innovation, able to compete in the conditions of economic modernization.

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