Information for:

5 march 2022 8485

A competition has been announced for grant funding for scientific projects for 2022-2024

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024 in priority areas of science development according to the Tender Documentation.

The purpose of the competition is to increase the level of scientific research, scientific and technical potential, and competitiveness of scientific organizations and their teams, as well as scientists.

The application must contain information on the project implementation period of 30 months (the start of work in the calendar plan is July 2022, and the end is December 2024).

The amount of requested funding required for the implementation of the project is no more than 12 million tenge for 2022, no more than 33 million tenge for 2023, and no more than 33 million tenge for 2024.

The amount of requested funding required to implement a project in the field of social sciences, humanities, and arts is no more than 10 million tenge for 2022, no more than 27.9 million tenge for 2023, and no more than 27.9 million tenge for 2024.

The start of accepting applications is from March 9, 2022. The deadline for submitting applications is April 8, 2022 (inclusive).

For questions of Tender documentation and registration of the application, please contact the Department of Science, Petroleum Building, 616 office, ext. tel. 7258, 7042.

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