21 april 2020 8379

A mandatory working off for master's and doctoral graduates

A mandatory working off for master's and doctoral graduates

Dear graduates of master's and doctoral studies!

According to paragraph 17 of Article 47 of the Law of the RK "On education", here is a mandatory three-year working off in the state organization for graduates of higher and postgraduate education who have studied on the basis of the state education ordinance. Satbayev University answers the most frequent questions.

Information of JSC "Financial Center", Ministry of Education and Science of the RK "On mandatory working off for young specialists and PhDs"

How are the graduates assigned to work and who does it?

Personal allocation commissions, which personally assign young professionals and PhDs based on employer petitions and requests of academic organizations about the need for personnel.

When does a graduate have to arrive at the workplace?

No later than September 1st of the graduation year.

In which cases, and which categories of graduates are exempt from working off?

Exemption from working off is granted:
1) if there are no vacancies in the locality where the spouse lives, works or serves;
2) for disabled persons of I and II groups;
3) in the case of entry for further studies at the Master's degree programme, Residence, Doctoral studies, if the entry is in the year of graduation;
4) for pregnant women and persons who are raising a child (children) under the age of 3 years on their own.

In these cases, a young specialist must apply to the Allocation Commission in order to be exempted from working off.

Is there a respite for the graduate, and for how long?

When entering or calling up for urgent military service, a young specialist is granted a respite for the period of service, without taking into account the time of service during the period of working off.
Does a graduate who has studied under the rural quota have a right to work off in the city? No, a young specialist who has studied under the rural quota is obliged to work off in organizations located in rural areas.

Is the working-off counted if a young specialist is employed in a state organization not by specialty (for example: local administration, tax committee, PSC, etc.)?

No, working off in organizations that do not correspond to training is not counted.

What measures are taken in case of failure to fulfill the obligations on working off?

In this case, a graduate is obliged to fully refund the costs spent on his or her training. JSC "Financial Center" controls whether the graduates comply with their obligations to work off and in case of violations and/or refusal to work off, works on the full reimbursement of the budget funds, including in a legal process.

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