24 october 2023 1622

A round table dedicated to Republic Day 2023 was held at Satpayev University

A round table dedicated to Republic Day 2023 was held at Satpayev University

On the eve of the national holiday of Republic Day, a round table was held at the Ulykpan Sydykov Center for Creativity on the topic “Egemendik - el erkindigi” (“Sovereignty - freedom of the country”).

The most memorable thing at the round table was the speech of the outstanding figure of science, education, and art, Ulykpan Sydykov, who presented his new book and poems by the Decembrist Ermakhan Kalmurzayev, “Bow to Independence.”

It was continued by student Makpal Iskhanbekova, who made a report “Declaration of Freedom”. She shared her research on the sovereignty of Kazakhstan and answered questions from students.

The organizer of the round table was the Department of Social Disciplines, whose teachers shared their vision of sovereignty and the holiday dedicated to it. So, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev said about the importance of celebrating Republic Day: “This was the first step of our country on the path to Independence. Therefore, this day should become a symbol of the country’s bold step towards statehood”. The round table participants agreed with this.

Also speaking at the round table were the head of the Department of Social Disciplines of AUPET named after G. Daukeev, Bolat Kabdushev, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, associate professor Salkynbek Dosaly and participant in the December 1986 uprising, senior teacher Ermakhan Kalmurzayev.

At the end of the meeting, the round table moderator Turlybek Tumabayev summed up the results and thanked the speakers and listeners.

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