1 december 2023 2437

Academic Integrity League of Kazakhstan has announced the updated website and social networks

Academic Integrity League of Kazakhstan has announced the updated website and social networks

An open dialogue is a prerequisite for honesty and transparent openness in higher education. With the purpose to constantly report on important changes and innovations in its activities, Academic Integrity League of Kazakhstan invites you to join the League’s updated website and social networks.

League is committed to the continuous development and improvement of our work in order to provide the best support for academic integrity at League’s member universities. The new League website has an English-language version that is convenient for interacting with partners at the international level.

Academic Integrity League promotes a global dialogue on all aspects of transparency of the process in modern education, helping to develop a more responsible approach to the use of technology in teaching. League's new resources will help it interact more closely with students, teachers, and anyone who values Academic Integrity, and discuss various aspects of the process with them.

Website of Academic Integrity League

English version of the website of Academic Integrity League



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