19 may 2022 5072

Acceptance of documents for the competition for grant funding of research by young scientists under the Zhas Galym project for 2022-2024 is open

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a competition for grant funding of fundamental and applied scientific research of young postdoctoral scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024 in priority areas of science development according to the Tender Documentation.

The purpose of the competition is to form highly qualified and competitive researchers, attract and consolidate talented youth in science, and increase the share of young researchers.

Please also note that the Grant competition is provided for individual postdoctoral research with the participation of a scientific consultant.

Financing of 1 (one) project with a 28-month implementation period is no more than 19 million tenge, including: for 2022 – no more than 3 million tenge; for 2023 - no more than 8 million tenge; for 2024 - no more than 8 million tenge.

The start of accepting applications is from May 23, 2022. The deadline for submitting applications is June 17, 2022 (inclusive).

For questions of Tender documentation and registration of the application, please contact the Department of Science, Oil Building, 616 office, ext. tel. 7258, 7042.

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